Counter-terrorism & threat assessment
With terrorism an ever-present and evolving threat, effective building protection requires a holistic approach to assessed threats and the design of appropriate counter measures. Counter terrorism design measures need to be proportionate to the level of risk an organisation may face.
With 10 years of experience in protective design, we are able to assist clients in developing terrorism protection requirements and implementing these measures. Our risk-based approach puts clients at the centre of their risk reduction strategy by helping to identify how much ‘residual risk’ they could accept, and how much could be reduced through protective design measures. Experience gained whilst working on numerous projects across the world allows us to help building developers integrate protection measures in a way that does not overtly impinge upon architectural goals and operational usage.
Our counter terrorism services include:
- Blast vulnerability assessments for new and existing buildings.
- Blast design of buildings.
- Dynamic modelling of blast effects and building response.
- Blast and ballistic design of building facades.
- Marauding gunman design.
- Hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) design.
- Bomb shelter area (BSA) assessments.
- 2D CAD design & CAD automation
- Automated access control design
- Blast design & explosion consequence analysis
- CCTV Design
- Cloud advice & guidance
- Cloud based access control design
- Cloud based CCTV design
- Cloud design standards
- Cloud readiness & migration
- Cloud solution advisory
- Cloud video storage design
- Command & control room design
- Connected & smart building services
- Counter-terrorism & threat assessment
- Data centre design
- Design standards development
- Forced entry protection
- Hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) & vehicle dynamics assessment (VDA)
- Intrusion & hold-up alarm system design
- Location services design
- Mail room design & internal detonation
- Marauding terrorist attack (MTA)
- Physical, technical & operational reviews
- Planning Advice
- Radio communication system design
- SABRE & Security Needs Assessments
- Secured by design
- Security policy & procedure development
- Security system integration
- Security threat & risk assessments
- System evaluation
- Threat, Vulnerability & Risk Assessments
- Application engineering
- Cloud based evidence management
- Cloud data application services
- Cloud security deployments
- Credential migrations
- Credential review
- Global system migrations
- Location services deployment
- Mobile credential supply & deployment
- Project/programme management
- QCIC automation tools
- System upgrade conversion
- Technical project/delivery management
- “Follow the Sun” system support
- Application maintenance & application patching
- Bespoke business administration reporting
- Bespoke dashboard & reporting
- Cloud system administration
- Embedded teams
- Global system administration support
- Hardening & cyber testing
- Mobile credential management
- System administration
- Virtual integrator led services