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Portfolio / Security threat & risk for large UK development

Security threat & risk for large UK development

The objectives of the project was to identify key threats that may be relevant to the development, evaluate a risk profile for the client and ultimately provide the client with recommendations to mitigate the established risks.

Strategy/process taken during the project

QCIC’s strategy was to first investigate the threat posed by different terrorist attacks by comparing the development to existing developments of a similar nature in other London boroughs. We then consulted with the Metropolitan Police’s Counter-Terrorism Security Advisor department to discuss their concerns and recommendations. We also took into account the local crime statistics.

These findings were used to populate a risk matrix. The risk matrix contains two main calculations: a risk score, which compares the likelihood of an identified risk against the impact the risk would have on the development, and a residual risk score, which takes into account recommendations for security design and operational strategy to mitigate each risk. 


“The Security Threat and Risk Assessment influenced the drafting of a sitewide security master-plan strategy. This informs the operation of security for our client, the detailed design of the public realm and future phases of the development.” – Enahoro Uade, QCIC

The threat and risk assessment was first carried out in 2016. Due to the fact that the threat environment changed, we revised the threat and risk assessment in 2019.